Why a Leadership Degree?

Many have asked why Ms. Bruff decided upon a leadership degree as opposed to a recognised financial degree that would be relevant to her daily duties. The bottom line is I do not know but I do have some thoughts on the matter.

1. I think there was plan to try to promote her as a potential future superintendent and a degree in leadership would give credit to her promotion (makes sense).

2. It’s a whole lot easier to obtain a degree in leadership than say a corporate finance degree.

3. It was used as a vehicle to justify a huge pay and benefits increase

It’s a question worth asking. I don’t think you will get a reply but either way she worked that degree into an $18,000 a year pay raise at a time and indeed on the very same agenda the custodial staff and other AFSCME members were being told they needed to start contributing to their healthcare (and for the record they have been doing that for several years whilst all other school employees did not and were not asked to)

3 thoughts on “Why a Leadership Degree?

  1. I find it interesting that some members of the School Board applaud the fact that Administration is finally going to pay part of their premium for health insurance (10%). For the Superintendent this would be approximately $3600 out of his $118,000 salary or 3%. That same Supt. feels that support staff should only have single person coverage on their health insurance. Salaries for support staff range from $14k to 28k per year. In order for them to continue their coverage for their family they would need to pay about $12,000 per year or 43% to 85% of their annual income. On top of this they are being asked for many more financial concessions. Could someone please explain how this is “Shared Sacrifice?”

    • The bottom line here is there is a plan in place to remove all the support staff regardless. Bruff and English have made it all but impossible for their saving criteria to be met. This is a witch hunt make no mistake. It has been planned for months on end and will unquestionably become the new reality when the school board vote next Monday. Whilst the lowest paid in the district have yet again been targeted for savings the administration and teachers remain virtually untouched. That is what you call great management and great leadership!!!! Politics remain in our schools that and nepotism.

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